Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Facebook Advertisement

I have previously tried boosting a post, so I decided that I would run and advertisement this time. The goal is to get more likes for my page, since I have so few. When I did the post boost, I just let Facebook set up the demographics and I didn't get a very good response, so this time I decided to be very specific in the demographic of my audience. I decided to only advertise to people in  the state of Utah. I did this because Utah has the highest pornography download rate in the United States. I am hoping that people who are struggling with pornography use in their families will discover my page and use its resources. I also targeted parents and specifically mothers of teenage children. This is because the biggest users of pornography are between the ages of 12 to 17. I chose to advertise to people who are interested in families, relationships, entertainment and technology. These are people who might be exposed to pornography through their interest in technology and entertainment, but would also be interested in salvaging the relationships that pornography use might affect. I decided I would actually pay for and run this ad for one week, just to see what happens.

I made the design of my advertisement very simple and used the cover photo for my Facebook page. They do not give you very many words for the ad, so this helped because my cover already says what the purpose of my page is and then I could just add a few very specific details about what resources can be found on my page. I designed an ad for both desktop news feed and mobile devices.

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