Monday, January 19, 2015

Social Networking and Stabilization

Social Networking is a very powerful tool. It gives the average every day person a voice in almost any arena they choose to have one. Through social networking we can reach out to the world with our message. We can inform them of what we think is important to pay attention to and why we think it is important. Not only can we send our message, but we can do so almost instantaneously. There is power in numbers and businesses and governments are choosing to address what the people want as they use their voices to make their demands. Social Networking is so powerful that the Saudi King Abdullah offered to buy it in 2011, for 150 billion dollars, asserting that that is what he needed to do to maintain order in his country.

Just like with anything else in the world, social media and social networking can be used for good or evil purposes. Many only use social media to needlessly entertain themselves. What a waste when you have such a powerful tool at your fingertips. In the words of Amber Naslund, “Quit counting fans, followers and blog subscribers like bottle caps. Think, instead, about what you’re hoping to achieve with and through the community that actually cares about what you are doing.” Just think of the possibilities if social media users spent their time and resources trying to make a difference in the world instead of knowing what each other had for breakfast.

Social networking does shape the world. When we post to our pages we are speaking of where our priorities lie. The messages we send tell our government, businessmen, and the world what we think is important. Social media does have the power to stabilize the world. The question is, will we come together and choose to send the messages that will?


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