Wednesday, January 28, 2015

 Facebook Plan


Mission Statement:

My page is designed to encourage people to educate themselves and their children about the harmful effects of pornography.  I will also be providing tips on how to talk to your children about pornography and ways to safeguard against unsolicited exposure.


Cheryl is a 36 year old mother of four. Recently she was helping her 12 year old daughter, Anna, with a class project. They were creating a character and needed a photo. Her daughter typed in the words, blonde girl. Cheryl was mortified when streams of pornographic photos started skipping across the screen. They seemed to be caught in a loop. Cheryl wonders how she can protect her children from being exposed to such demoralizing images. What if she had not been present? Cheryl knows she needs to talk to Anna about what happened and is a little unsure about how to approach this delicate subject.

Rusty is a 15 year old boy who plays basketball at the local high school. He got his iPhone 2 years ago for Christmas. He was most excited about being able to check the scores on fox sports at any time. Unfortunately, this is also the site that linked him to his first pornographic website. At first he looked just out of curiosity, but now it is something that he can’t get through the day without doing. He doesn't like the ways he feels or acts most of the time. He knows he has a problem but he doesn't know how to reach out for help.

Cassandra is a 23 year old newlywed. Cassandra saved herself for marriage and was looking forward to an intimate relationship with her husband Carl.  Cassandra has been surprised by Carl’s lack of interest. Recently she discovered that Carl is spending time each day looking at pornographic website. When she tried to discuss it with him, he brushed her off and said, “That is just what guys do. It doesn't mean anything.” Cassandra feels betrayed and wonders what is wrong with her that might make Carl choose pornography over her. She begins to try to improve herself thinking that if only she were better, then Carl would choose her.


I will be posting to my page 2 to 3 times a week. I will be using a number of different posting techniques such as: podcast, testimonials, you-tube videos, articles, scientific research, personal reflection and suggestions.I plan to start by posting why  it is important to educate ourselves and others about the harmful effects of pornography. Then I will move into scientific finding and testimonials. I hope to include some tutorials on a number of different safeguards that are available and how to use them. I am hoping this page will be a place of support and information not  only for parents that want to protect and teach their children, but for individuals struggling with addiction and for their families who suffer along side them.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mission Statement:

My page is designed to encourage people to educate themselves and their children about the harmful effects of pornography.  I will also be providing tips on how to talk to your children about pornography and ways to safeguard against unsolicited exposure.


Cheryl is a 36 year old mother of four. Recently she was helping her 12 year old daughter, Anna, with a class project. They were creating a character and needed a photo. Her daughter typed in the words, blonde girl. Cheryl was mortified when streams of pornographic photos started skipping across the screen. They seemed to be caught in a loop. Cheryl wonders how she can protect her children from being exposed to such demoralizing images. What if she had not been present? Cheryl knows she needs to talk to Anna about what happened and is a little unsure about how to approach this delicate subject.

Rusty is a 15 year old boy who plays basketball at the local high school. He got his iPhone 2 years ago for Christmas. He was most excited about being able to check the scores on fox sports at any time. Unfortunately, this is also the site that linked him to his first pornographic website. At first he looked just out of curiosity, but now it is something that he can’t get through the day without doing. He doesn't like the ways he feels or acts most of the time. He knows he has a problem but he doesn't know how to reach out for help.

Cassandra is a 23 year old newlywed. Cassandra saved herself for marriage and was looking forward to an intimate relationship with her husband Carl.  Cassandra has been surprised by Carl’s lack of interest. Recently she discovered that Carl is spending time each day looking at pornographic website. When she tried to discuss it with him, he brushed her off and said, “That is just what guys do. It doesn't mean anything.” Cassandra feels betrayed and wonders what is wrong with her that might make Carl choose pornography over her. She begins to try to improve herself thinking that if only she were better, then Carl would choose her.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Double Standard

Why are some things given an abundance of attention from the media and other things aren’t? In Paris two brothers kill 12 people. It is broadcast live as citizens use their cell phones to send live video. This story is the center of attention in the media for days, yet at the same time 16 villages are attacked in Nigeria and hundreds, possibly thousands are killed, yet the media hardly makes mention of the event. There are many things that contribute to what stories get attention from the media and what stories don't.  Things like:
·         Is it an unusual or an everyday event?
·         Is a group the media or world likes to demonize involved?
·         Is the solution to the problem quick? or will the solution take many years?
·         How do society and the world frame the problem?

Although, all of these things do contribute to what stories get covered in the media and which ones do not, I would assert that we the audiences ultimately decide what stories will be covered in the news. Gone are the days where public television was free and there were only 3 stations to choose from and major broadcasters decided what stories should be covered. Today television is paid for and we choose where we will get our information. The news is a business and they need to make money. The networks must compete for our attention, not only with each other, but with the public at large. With technology in the hands of almost every citizen we tell the media what we what to hear about. It is what we are tweeting about and posting on social media sites about. The media knew that we wanted to hear about the killings in Paris because that is what we were talking about. No one was in Nigeria posting live video about what is happening there. Twitter is not alive with messages.

We like to demonize the media and say that they are slanting our view on the world, but are they? Aren’t they just giving us what we want? If it wasn’t what we wanted we wouldn’t be consuming it and keeping it alive. If we want to get a different story, we will have to send a different message.

Social Networking and Stabilization

Social Networking is a very powerful tool. It gives the average every day person a voice in almost any arena they choose to have one. Through social networking we can reach out to the world with our message. We can inform them of what we think is important to pay attention to and why we think it is important. Not only can we send our message, but we can do so almost instantaneously. There is power in numbers and businesses and governments are choosing to address what the people want as they use their voices to make their demands. Social Networking is so powerful that the Saudi King Abdullah offered to buy it in 2011, for 150 billion dollars, asserting that that is what he needed to do to maintain order in his country.

Just like with anything else in the world, social media and social networking can be used for good or evil purposes. Many only use social media to needlessly entertain themselves. What a waste when you have such a powerful tool at your fingertips. In the words of Amber Naslund, “Quit counting fans, followers and blog subscribers like bottle caps. Think, instead, about what you’re hoping to achieve with and through the community that actually cares about what you are doing.” Just think of the possibilities if social media users spent their time and resources trying to make a difference in the world instead of knowing what each other had for breakfast.

Social networking does shape the world. When we post to our pages we are speaking of where our priorities lie. The messages we send tell our government, businessmen, and the world what we think is important. Social media does have the power to stabilize the world. The question is, will we come together and choose to send the messages that will?
